简介:cht/bezema is a leading company focusing on special chemicals used as function generators, auxiliary materials and additives for industrial processes. the head office and the central of competence for different business segament are located in the university town of tübingen, germany. with nearly 3000 staff members running operations in 20 countries, we are very close to our customers on every market. we won award of best employer in 2015. in china, cht own two factories in shanghai and dongguan, with nearly 200 employees. with fast increasing demand of specialty chemical product in china market, we are staying at a fast growing and developing period and eager for talents with ambition and professional knowledge. 佳和化工是全球领先的德国cht集团的全资子公司,生产经营精细化学品的创新型和成长型的公司。德国cht集团总部位于德国的图本根大学城。在全球,我们拥有3000名雇员,在20个国家拥有生产基地或办事处,并于2015年获德国***雇主。在中国,佳和化工处于快速成长期,分别在上海和东莞有两个工厂,员工人数约200人。现在我们渴求人才,为其提供广阔的发展平台,以及有竞争力的薪酬水平。
地址:广东 东莞 望牛墩镇 东莞市望牛墩望东工业区
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