科威特mutawa alkazi公司是中国广州汽车集团股份有限公司(gac motors), 广汽吉奥汽车有限公司(go now motors), 北京汽车工业控股公司(baic motors) 及东风汽车公司(dfm motors)产品经销商。
1. mt(维护保养):maintenance technician:
a. periodicmaintenance operation of a vehicle according to manuals including replacementof required parts
b. pre-deliveryinspection (pdi) work on new cars including accessory installation inaccordance with the vehicles service policies
2. rt(车辆维修):repair technician:
a. repairwork of the vehicle with known repair methods at reception time
b. troubleshootingoperations in accordance with shop manuals and other technical informationresources
3. dt(故障诊断):diagnostic technician:
a. repairwork of the vehicle with unknown repair method at reception time
b. diagnosisoperation not necessarily described in shop manuals and other technicalinformation resources
4. workshopsupervisors(车间主任):
a. supervisethe above mentioned technicians as per the service standards and policies
b. traintechnicians
c. mustbe able to converse and read english (conversing in arabic is anadded advantage)
联系人:mr. ahmad a. abuhuda
电子邮件: aabulhuda@muawaalkazi.com.kw
公司名称:mutawa alkazi